Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Claire, Claire, Claire. What are we going to do with Claire. Our family went to the Meadow Vista Park for a little exercise last Saturday. Lindsey and I were walking the track, while Stone and Claire went roller blading around the school. When it was time to leave, Lindsey went to get the kids. What she found was Claire on the ground bleeding, and Stone Laughing.

Claire had fallen and injured her knee and elbow. See photo above. But Claire has a problem with fainting at the sight of her own blood. She sat down on a bench, and then passed out hitting the ground face first.

She managed to do worse damage to herself by splitting her chin open. I took one look at it and knew it needed stitches.

So here are the stitches of which I speak. The original fall from her roller blades was not that severe. It was the fall from passing out that caused the most damage. She has done this before at school. She fell on the playground and was brought into the office. Her initial injury wasn't too bad. But when she passed out and bonked her head on the office desk, things got worse.

Here is the final product. She went to church and school like this. We call it her Santa Claus imitation.


  1. Poor Claire Bear. She must be as bad as Sue and dad when it comes to the sight of blood.

  2. It's healing pretty well. It's been exactly 1 week. If it were my skin I'd still have the stitches in there... Oh to be young again!
